Friday, September 26, 2008
Real Life Rocket Man flies across the English Channel
From Reuters:
Sep 26 - Swiss pilot Yves Rossy has successfully completed his solo flight across the English Channel using his single, jet-propelled wing.
After a two-day delay due to bad weather, Rossy achieved his ambition and has written himself into aviation history.
With a light wind on his back he reached the iconic White Cliffs of Dover in 13 minutes covering the 35 kilometre trip at an average speed of 200 kilometres per hour.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Critical Mass tomorrow
Los Angeles Critical Mass meets at Wilshire and Western. There are two times posted online: 6pm and 7pm. I assume both are correct, so get there and join one!
Bicyclist breaks his own speed record, 82.3 MPH!
Amazing. I thought people could ride quickly in dedicated race machines, but over 80mph? He's only generating 1/2 Horsepower. If only car designers could get a car going 80 using 1/2 horsepower. We have a long way to go.
Bye Bye WAMU....
Tonight WAMU becomes the largest US bank to ever fail. US Regulators seized control of the bank tonight as JP Morgan Chase purchased the bank's branches and deposits for 1.9 billion. I wonder what this will mean for their famous free checking account, which I only use nowadays as a transfer point to a high interest earning online savings account.
Don't get left hanging
It's very easy to register to vote absentee, which will be very important in swing states where turnout is expected to be huge. My crystal ball forsees long lines, broken voting machines and disenfranchised voters. In California, you can vote by mail and avoid that whole mess entirely. Vote For Change makes it easy to:
* 1. Register to vote.
* 2. Request to vote absentee.
* 3. Find your polling location.
"His Brisket is Beyond...It's Beyond."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Greasing the Wheels the world over.
Bicycle Production Quarduples over last 50 years.
From the
FAT-BUSTING but not wallet-busting, the humble bicycle is an increasingly popular choice of transport. Around 130m bikes rolled off production lines in 2007 and even more are set to be made this year. Bicycle and car production grew pretty much in tandem in the two decades beginning in 1950. But since 1970 bike production has nearly quadrupled while car production has roughly doubled. Much of the recent growth has been driven by electric bikes; production has doubled since 2004, to 21m.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Today Only: Parking Day L.A.
From the website:
The first annual Park[ing] Day LA, was on Friday, September 21st 2007, which brought together a diverse constituency of community groups, neighborhood councils, design & architecture firms, professional organizations, non-profits, cyclists & pedestrian advocates as they worked together and transformed numerous parking spaces & parking lots located throughout LA into ephemeral parks for the day. By occupying a parking spot, volunteers enhanced the streets with sustainably designed pocket-parks.
Click here to see the invite.
Click here to find the nearest parking spot turned garden paradise.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Jewish Voters Report Obama Smear Call
Jewish voters are complaining of a poll that, after confirming their religion, asks a series of questions that appear aimed at alarming Jewish voters, including linking Barack Obama to Palestinian terrorist groups.
read more
Now, I don't think John McCain is behind these calls, but he certainly has tarnished his image as an honest straight talking politician. Check out this disection of his campaign on the Washington Post by Richard Cohen.
What impressed me most about McCain was the effect he had on his audiences, particularly young people. When he talked about service to a cause greater than oneself, he struck a chord. He expressed his message in words, but he packaged it in the McCain story -- that man, beaten to a pulp, who chose honor over freedom. This had nothing to do with access. It had to do with integrity.McCain has soiled all that. His opportunistic and irresponsible choice of Sarah Palin as his political heir -- the person in whose hands he would leave the country -- is a form of personal treason, a betrayal of all he once stood for. Palin, no matter what her other attributes, is shockingly unprepared to become president. McCain knows that. He means to win, which is all right; he means to win at all costs, which is not.
Monday, September 15, 2008
From the Oracle: Look for an Obama Charge 'Round Hallow's Eve
Democrats are scared stiff by McCain and Palin. So much so, they donated over $66 million to Obama last month, and will probably break that record this month.
Oh yea of little faith.
Does a little known Alaskan Governor rallying conservatives to the aid of McCanine really signal the fall of our Hope for Change?
Perhaps, it's only 4 years ago that a majority of Americans elected a "retarded cowboy" to his second term as president, a feat his much more talented father could not accomplish.
Times have changed. We're facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Our reputation and clout around the world is in tatters. China owns all our debt.
Have some backbone, my fellow democrats. Look for our man to come thru in a blazing fashion at just the right moment, in the final stretch. These next 2-3 weeks are important, but October 15th onward is when we'll really see who's able to present the best case to the American people.
Trust that they will vote with their heart. It's time for a change. Be strong.
Cross Country Scooter Run
Yes, a group of interpid scooter riders are, at this moment, riding across the United States. You can read all about their thrills and spills on Pistol Pete's blog.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Brian Wilson @ The Hollywood Bowl with the L.A. Phil
Heather and I rode our bikes to the Hollywood Bowl tonight to see Brian Wilson perform with the L.A. Philharmonic. It was a great show. 45+ years after the Beach Boys first started making music, Wilson is still inspired to create. Not a bad run at all.
Why has McCain refused to released his medical records?
John McCain has had every form of skin cancer. He's the oldest presidential candidate. No one knows his true medical health status. He keeps getting procedures done. Why are we talking about lipstick and not this? Why did his campaign give reporters 3 hours in a room with an edited version of his medical records with no way to document their findings? Why isn't this front page material? Why is the Obama campaign not airing ads about this?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hey Charlie, lissen up. Rob Caldwell's gonna show you how it's done.
Watch as John McCain gets served by Portland's finest.
Charlie Gibson was okay today with Palin, but this reporter from Portland, Maine could give Charlie a lesson or 2 on how to interview public servants running for office.
Who is this brave patriot with balls the size of watermelons, not afraid of McCain's "forcefield of protection?" None other than Rob Caldwell.
Oh Snap is right! OUCH! Wow, McCain looked brusied after that interview. You can almost see is lower lip trembling in anger at the conclusion of the interview. He could barely say thank you. Gee, thanks Rob for handing me my credibility and integrity on a silver platter.Rob has lived in Maine since the day before Elvis died. After graduating from Williams College, he started at NEWS CENTER in 1982 and has covered everything from presidential candidates to professional wrestlers. Read Rob's blog!
Rob has made his career in journalism exclusively in Maine. Rob has received awards for journalism from the Maine Association of Broadcasters and from the Associated Press.
Rob is originally from Simsbury, Connecticuit.
Go Get Em Rob!
This weekend: Mind Body & Beyond Expo at LA Convention Center
At the checkout of Whole Foods, I picked up free passes to this weekend's Mind Body & Beyond Expo at The L.A. Convention Center. We might check it out if we have time. You can sign up for free admission at their website:
I just saw a friend of mine in their promo video!
Given how free it is, I'm getting more skeptical about it. 100 exhibitors sounds like a lot, but on second thought, am I just going to see all the over priced gimmiky products on the shelves of Whole Foods? And Saturn is their car sponsor? Yawn.
Probably not gonna go on second thought. If you do, let me know what you think. I'll be outside enjoying the sunshine!
The 1100-Odd Emails Sarah Palin Won't Release (PDF)
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obama Blasts McCain on Lipstickgate: Enough of the lies!
All proceeds go to registering new young voters in swing states.
Barack Obama slams the McCain camp for creating lies and distractions from the real issues, stating that, "The American people deserve a serious debate."The McCain camp took a quote by Obama out of context for a smear ad. Obama had used the saying, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," in reference to John McCain's plans...
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bicyclist assaults Police Officer & Gets Off Scot-Free
It appears the DA in New York has determined it is not a crime to attack a police officer. This blind civil servant quickly took 5 weeks to all drop charges against Christopher Long even after video evidence surfaced supporting the officer's SWORN STATEMENT that Long was attempting to run into him.
In this widely seen video on YouTube, it is clear the Long was provoking and threatening the safety of Officer Patrick Pogan, who responded by unsuccessfully attempting to avoid a collision with Long. I hope Mr. Long learns how to better handle his steed. The safety of all police officers who stand in motorways is my number one concern! Officer Pogan has a strong civil case, and I hope he presses charges against this holligan!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Save the Date: Arab Film Festival
Being an engaged observer, I do know something about Arab culture and history, but honestly, we Americans have a lot to learn about our neighbors to the east. There's more to them than sand, petroleum and falafels!
Go to the Arab Film Festival and wise up yourself. These are some cool cats and they ride scooters!
Thugs steppin up to Arnold
Don't get me wrong. It's important to lockup criminals who pose a true danger to society. But I'm sick of the Prison Guard Union. It's because of these thugs that we have more prisons than schools in our state. Non-violent offenders don't deserve the free room and board for years on end just to fatten wallets of prison guards. Do we really need to spend 10 billion dollars a year on prisons?
Now they are going after Arnold with a BS recall effort because Arnold isn't giving in to their demands for MO MONEY and MO MONEY! Someone forgot to tell them there is a budget crisis and everyone is suffering. Beef between Arnold and CCPOA goes way back, and they're using the budget crisis to force him out.
You really think Arnold is intimidated by these thugs? Just look at those guns!
Here's some facts about CCPOA you should know:
1. California spends $5.7 Billion per year housing 161,000 inmates.
2. The CCPOA made large contributions to the 1994 campaign for Proposition 184,* the "three strikes" initiative which put repeat offenders behind bars, and is credited with helping the proposition to pass with over 70 percent of the vote. (hmm, more "clients" for them to service?)
3. A 2004 report on the dysfunctional California prison system"openly criticized the CCPOA's power over the system, stating that the agreement between the state and the California Correctional Peace Officers Association "clearly has resulted in an unfair and unworkable tilt toward union influence."
4. During the 1980's and 90's, the CCPOA and other prison advocates pushed California elected officials to focus on imprisonment and punishment rather than the idea that convicts can be rehabilitated into society. (MO MONEY MO MONEY MO MONEY!)
Here's a quick way to decide if a proposition is worth voting for. If the CCPOA supports it, vote against it.
*9/10/08 Pacovilla brought it to my attention that I was calling prison guards thugs. My apologies. CCPOA is the thug, not individual prison guards. See comments section for Pacovillas response to my post and my response to his response. His blog is worth a visit as well.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Daily Show Produces Best Political Ad Spot Ever!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist,
“So Sambo beat the bitch!” This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
How to hang artwork on a wall
C = (A/2) +58 -B where:
A = height of the frame
B = distance between top of frame and wire at full tension
C = height of screw/nail/hook in the wall
58 is the average eye level and is the centerline we're going for. You can adjust to your own eye level by replacing the 58 with your eye level.
Do your measurements in inches.
I use postits on the wall so it doesn't leave a mark in case I mess up.
Kyle Field : More Country Questions
September 6 – October 25, 2008
Opening Reception: Saturday September 6, 2008 6pm-8pm
Taylor De Cordoba is pleased to present More Country Questions, a new body of ink and watercolor works on paper by San Francisco-based musician and artist, Kyle Field. The exhibition will run from September 6 – October 25, 2008. The gallery will host a reception for the artist on Saturday September 6 from 6-8PM.
Taylor De Cordoba is located at 2660 S La Cienega Blvd in Los Angeles, CA.