Thursday, September 23, 2010

DOs & DONTs Workshop tomorrow B4 Los Angeles Critical Mass


If you're riding Los Angeles Critical Mass tomorrow, please come at 6:30pm for a special workshop on the DOs and DONTs of riding Critical Mass. Here's the deal in case you're interested:


• talk to stranger, bystanders, bus riders, motorists – welcome people to join us next time

• help cars stuck in mass to exit to the right

• stop regularly if you’re in front (no matter how slowly you think you’re going, gaps are opening up behind you)

• stop at red lights when in front to allow the rest of the ride to “mass up” behind.

• keep going in dense packs through red lights to stick together and keep it safe for everyone.

• fill gaps; Critical Mass depends on bicycle density to displace cars.

• remember that pleasure and friendliness are more subversive than anger and blaming.


• race ahead to block cross traffic before the Mass has arrived

• ride into oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the road

• pick fights with motorists, even (especially) if they’re itching for one

• fail to turn and twist through the city to make the ride more interesting

• forget to smile and wave and talk to strangers!

• imagine that you are morally superior just cuz you’re on a bicycle (you’ll be in a car again soon enough)

• hesitate to tell other Massers what you think of their behavior, whether good or bad. Talk to each other!

• forget – we are all responsible to make Critical Mass what we want it to be.

Liam says "Drink your milk and follow the DOs and DONTs!"

I've borrowed this list from San Francisco Critical Mass and I think it's going to improve our ride exponentially! But words without action are meaningless, so for the health of the ride, we need as many people as possible to spread the word and help police ourselves from within, because the other option is not so desirable! As during the past 3 rides, LAPD will be riding with us, but there's a chance they will be enforcing certain sections of the California Vehicle Code to ensure the safety of the mass, other cyclists, motorists, pedestrians, stray cats and the community as a whole, which I support wholeheartedly. Thank you Chief Beck for your support!

RSVP on facebook here!

Los Angeles Critical Mass meets the last Friday of every month at the Purple Line Station, Western and Wilshire. 6:30 pm. Ride at 7:30pm.

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